Sunday, June 12, 2016

Transformers 5 Reveal: Megan Fox To Return for Michael Bay's Transformers 5

As fans of the Transformers movies, we probably didn't think that we would see the day: Megan Fox will return to the Transformers movie franchise in Transformers 5: The Last Knight.

Megan Fox unforgettable scene in the first Transformers movie.
It is a twist of M. Knight Shamylan-proportions.

After she was released from her contractual obligations prior to Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon, and her role essentially recast and retooled for Bay-girl,   , not a single one of us true-believers really thought there would be another Michael Bay Transformers movie that would feature fan-favorite Megan Fox.

Megan Fox had an even more unforgettable scene in Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen.
Well, it sounds like Michael Bay and Megan Fox had mended fences (even though the original rift may have been due to Steven Spielberg injecting his opinion into the situation, rumor has it). After spending some time with Fox during the filming of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2, Bay explained via his website and facebook page that he is welcoming back Fox to the Transformers franchise for Transformers 5, coming out in 2017.

For her part, Megan Fox, and the actress who played Mikaela Bynes in the first two Transformers films, took to twitter to send out a rare tweet for the busy actress, to confirm that she would indeed be involved in Transformers 5 with Michael Bay.

Early speculation speculates that the move could bring back many fans who were put off by the move to replace Fox's character and role. I, for one, no disrespect to   , but I disliked the change within the context of the story. It was weak to build up the Sam-Mikaela relationship over the first two movies only to rewrite the story for Sam to have a new "love" in the third movie.

Transformers 5 brings several top writers:  who I hope will be able to plausibly reintegrate Megan Fox in to the story after the poor handling of her departure in Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon.